By Jyme Tiner – OHCE county reporter
OHCE Rural Neighbors Pet Show experienced another successful year where children of all ages entered their pets in this year’s competition. Ross Feed and Grain sponsored the event by donating the prize money that each child received. Ruth Ann Cawley judged the event and Steve Calhoune manned the entry gate while Jay Otey interviewed each child who entered the arena with their pet. Rural Neighbor members helped the children fill out their entry forms, lined them up and made sure they got their prize money.
Winners in the 8 and under categories were the following students:
“Look Alike” – winner was Nicole Russell age 6 and her golden doodle Elsa who likes to play ball and can run fast.
“Best Personality” winner was Emma Russell age 5 who showed her pet Olaf a great Pyrenees who likes to eat.
“Best Costume” winner was Archer Baade age 1 with his mom Reagan. His pet was a golden Doodle named Baker who loves to play Frisbee.
“Most Unique” winner was shown by Logan Youngblood age 8. His pet was an Alpaca named Patrick. He said Patrick loves to listen to chapter books.
Winners in the 9-14 categories were the following students:
“Look Alike “winner was Brantlee Wright aged 9 and Bodie his Golden Doodle who was big and friendly.
“Best Costume” winner was Elleigh Taylor age 13 who showed her Alpaca “Famous Amos” who is a two-time Alpaca winner in other competitions. He knows how to do obstacle courses and lay down on command.
“Most Unique” winner was Harlow Hutchins age 9 and his poodle Queenie who he said used to be brown but has turned silver.
“Best Personality” was Oliver a poodle who belonged to Lemon Couch age 9. Lemon said Oliver has never met a stranger he didn’t like, and he is very friendly.