By Steve Fair Last week, America elected Donald J. Trump to a second term. Trump is only the second U.S. President to serve non-consecutive terms. The first was President Stephen Grover Cleveland who served as the nation’s 22nd and 24th president. Cleveland wa... More »
By Steve Fair The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was created in 1978 during the Carter administration by executive order (EO). After FEMA’s creation, Congress expanded its scope of authority. FEMA handles dam safety, disaster assistance, earthquake... More »
By Ramsey Solutions Remember, no matter how much wealth you build over the course of your life, you can’t take any of it with you when you’re gone. Like the old saying goes, “You’ll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse.” Proverbs 13:22 (NIV) says, “A good person... More »
By Steve Fair Oklahoma has the distinction of having the political scandal resulting in more indictments of elected officials in American history. In 1980, 220 county commissioners and suppliers were convicted for their involvement in a scheme of kickbacks pai... More »
Friday, October 11 is the last day to apply for voter registration to be eligible to vote in the November 05, 2024, General Election, Stephens County Election Board Secretary Shawnda Seely said today. Seely said that persons who are United States Citizens, res... More »
By Steve Fair Oklahoma voters’ November general election sample ballot is available. Go to the state election board website to view/print your ballot. Here is the link: state voters will choose from five slates of ... More »
By Dave Ramsey I talked to a guy on my radio show the other day who was scared. He called because he had just gotten laid off from a job he’d had for 28 years. He was making $38,000 per year and didn’t see it coming. He was afraid and hurt. I understand. I got... More »
I recently looked up the term “Legislative Body”. Included in the descriptions were: Legislative Bodies draft laws (write them) and deliberate on the contents of (discuss) those laws. Not what some officials in Chickasha were implying in a recent city council ... More »
By Dave Ramsey I am the proud father of three, happily married, functional adults in their 30s. They have blessed my wife and me with seven grandchildren so far. (If I had known how great grandkids were going to be, I would have been nicer to their parents.) I... More »
by Seymore Folkes My wife of 40 plus years was reminiscing one day about the time she first came to my house after meeting me. I had been a bachelor for several years and was living in a 12×50 New Moon brand house trailer that was about fifteen years old at th... More »
As elections near, you will find more of those slick flyers bombarding your mailbox. The ones with “Paid for by a candidate” are legitimate. It is the ones with the less than flattering pictures of the candidate being attacked and misleading headlines that are... More »
By Conrad Easterday, CTCN Editor A Duncan man who was one of three candidates for the city manager’s position at Comanche earned the job and then rejected it a short time later when the town’s mayor began questioning his personal and political views at the beh... More »
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