Alex FFA Shines at 97th State Convention

submitted by Dakota Bryen
 Abigail Pettijohn, a member of the Alex Future Farmers of America recently was chosen to represent the Chapter in the National Agriscience Fair during the 96th National FFA Convention in October.
 The Chapter recently captured top honors in their Oklahoma FFA Agriscience Fair held in conjunction with the 97th Annual FFA State Convention.
 The FFA Agriscience Fair recognizes students who study the application of scientific principles and emerging technologies in agricultural enterprises. Participation begins at the local level and progresses to the state and national levels. The competition closely mirrors an international science fair but reflects an agricultural theme.
 Alex FFA also had four members received the State FFA Degree.
 The FFA Agriscience Fair is divided into six divisions related to team members and grade levels. Division 1 is for individual members and Division 2 is designated for teams of two FFA members; both divisions are for eighth grade FFA members. Division 3 is for individual members and Division 4 is designated for teams of two FFA members, both divisions are for ninth and 10th grade FFA members. Division 5 is for individual members and Division 6 is designated for teams of two FFA members, both divisions are for 11th and 12th grade FFA members.
 Devon Energy, the Noble Research Institute and the Oklahoma State University Ferguson College of Agriculture sponsor the FFA Agriscience Fair, providing educational opportunities and financial incentives for members. Their partnership with the FFA Foundation encourages agricultural education students and teachers to research, develop, conduct, and evaluate projects associated with the agricultural industry as well as the oil and gas business.
 “Supporting the Agriscience Fair is part of Devon’s commitment to providing students opportunities to innovate and gain hands-on experience in science, technology, engineering and math,” said Christina Rehkop, Devon’s director, community relations. “Events like this prepare the next generation of leaders to overcome real-world challenges in any industry.”
 FFA is an integral part of the Agricultural Education division in the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education system. With nearly 29,000 members and 366 chapters, the Oklahoma FFA Association is the fifth-largest state FFA association. The FFA mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. To learn more about the Oklahoma FFA, visit okffa.org.

chickashatoday | ChickashaToday.com Alex FFA had four members receive the prestigious State FFA Degree this year. Konner Shebester, Gracie Selzer, Jandi Hurley, and Baylan Byrd.

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