OKLAHOMA CITY – Attorney General John O’Connor filed charges in Grady County against a contractor accused of defrauding Oklahomans of thousands of dollars for home repair work he never completed.
Norman “Buddy” Gomes, 40, who owned BNV Construction, is accused of requesting money up front from victims for home repair projects he never started. Investigators say Gomes would give various excuses as to why work had not begun, eventually stopped all communication with the victims, and refused to return their money.
“Hiring a contractor and paying for construction can be a tricky process for homeowners, and scammers are continually looking for ways to take advantage of that confusion,” said Attorney General O’Connor. “Anyone who believes this contractor or any other has misled them in any way should contact my Consumer Protection Unit immediately. My office always stands ready to hold those accountable who prey on Oklahomans.”
Gomes is charged with five counts of Embezzlement and one count of Pattern of Criminal Offenses. Authorities say, in all, Gomes stole more than $34,000.00 from five victims.
If convicted, Gomes faces up to 23 years in prison and up to $46,000 in fines, along with restitution owed to the victims.
Read the Affidavit of Probable Cause here.
Attorney General O’Connor encourages consumers who believe they have been a victim of contractor fraud to file a complaint by calling the Consumer Protection Unit at 1-833-681-1895.
For more tips on how to avoid contractor fraud, visit the attorney general’s website at http://www.oag.ok.gov/.
All persons charged with a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty.