A Safe Haven Baby Box has been established at Fire Station #2, located at D Street and Chestnut in Duncan. It is the only one in Southwest Oklahoma and only the second one in Oklahoma..
Safe Haven Baby Boxes’ mission is to prevent the illegal abandonment of newborns by raising awareness, offering a 24-hour hotline for mothers in crisis, and offering the Safe Haven Baby Boxes as a last resort option for women who want to maintain complete anonymity.
During the June 2023 City Council meeting, the City of Duncan committed to partnering with the Safe Haven Baby Box organization to support expecting mothers. Citizens of Stephens County played a crucial role in the project by fully funding the costs.
Monica Kelsey, Founder and CEO of Safe Haven Baby Boxes, has a story of her own in how she was abandoned as a child and wants to end abandonment through education, support, and ultimately love. The mission of the Safe Haven Baby Box organization is to end infant abandonment by raising awareness of the
Safe Haven law and providing anonymous surrender options.
The Oklahoma Safe Haven Law effective July 1, 2021, states a parent shall not be prosecuted for child abandonment or child neglect based solely on the relinquishment of a child thirty (30) days of age or younger to a medical services provider or child rescuer as defined in the Law. The most effective method for raising
awareness of this law is having an active Safe Haven Baby Box in our community. It provides a focal point to address the education gap, expand the knowledge about the Safe Haven Law, and create a natural entry for first responders and the community to play a role in proactively saving the lives of children.
The Baby Box is continuously monitored by certified Emergency Medical Technicians, and supported by a 24-hour hotline (1-866-99BABY1) for mothers in crisis to receive counseling and assistance.
For new parents needing to use the box, operation is simple. All users need to do is open it, and place the baby inside before closing the door. On the other side, firefighters can open the box, reach inside to grab the baby, and bring it to safety.”
The drop-off door locks from the outside, triggering a silent alarm, and notifying firefighters. At this point, the parent’s job is done.
“There are no cameras. Nobody’s watching out. Nobody’s gonna try to find out who this mother is. She’s completely anonymous, no prosecution whatsoever,” Treat said.
From there, the baby is taken to the hospital before child protective services take over.
“That child’s gonna be taken care of and find its way into a really good family,” Duncan Mayor Robert Armstrong added.
For more information about Safe Haven Baby Boxes, email Safe Haven Baby Box Founder/CEO Monica Kelsey at SHBB@safehavenbabyboxes.com or, contact the Charis Center in Duncan at (580) 786-6000.