Oklahoma Blood Institute has an immediate need for blood donors to help rebuild the blood supply.
Blood drive cancellations caused by the recent winter storm have resulted in the loss of over 70% of anticipated collections, and more are expected to come. The demand for blood products is also above average, adding additional strain to the blood supply.
As the weather clears and road conditions improve, donors of all blood types, age 16 and older*, are urged to give at the nearest donor center or mobile blood drive as soon as possible. A secure blood supply is essential to ensure disaster preparedness and serve patients who depend on transfusions to survive.
“The need for blood is constant—someone needs a life-saving transfusion every two seconds,” said John Armitage, M.D., president and CEO of Oklahoma Blood Institute. We are calling on all healthy Oklahomans to take about an hour of their time to give blood for our friends and neighbors in need. Together we can rebuild the blood supply.”
To schedule an appointment to give blood, call 877-340-8777 or visit obi.org to see a list of donor centers and mobile blood drives.
Volunteer donors with Oklahoma Blood Institute exclusively provide every drop of blood needed for patients in more than 160 hospitals, medical facilities, and air ambulances statewide. More than 1,200 blood donors are required each day to ensure a healthy supply of lifesaving blood.