Written by Sherri K Lewis, Oklahoma Veterans Recognition Committee
November, the month we all stop and reflect on what we give thanks for. But for so many the true reflection is directed towards the men and women that have sacrificed for us by giving of their time and lives for our freedoms.
One such time for this respectful show of appreciation will be on Veterans Day November 11, 2021, the day that America sets aside each year for us to show our gratitude to our Veterans.
At 11:00 am on November 11th, at the Grady County Veterans Memorial located on the west side of Shannoan Springs Park, the Oklahoma Veterans Recognition Committee will present a program for all area citizens to come and join together to honor our veterans.
Retired US Army Command Sergeant Major James Heston from Rush Springs will be the speaker. He was deployed in 1994 for Operation Restore Democracy in Haiti and again in 2008 for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Heston has been awarded the Legion of Merit, four Meritorious Service Medals, and six Army Commendations Medals along with several federal and state awards.
We asked that all of our citizens take the time to come to this program and officially show your respect and thanks to our veterans. If you are not able to attend, please step forward and shake a veterans hand and tell them thank you for serving our country and for their contribution in keeping American fee. Their service will never be forgotten nor will they.
The Chickasha Elks Lodge #2125 located at 1818 West Country Club Road invites all Veterans and their families and friends for a dinner that will be served after the Veterans Day Program.
“A Veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America for an amount of, Up To and Including My Life”. Author Unknown