On Friday, the City of Chickasha discovered the presence of blue-green algae blooms in Shannon Springs. Rachel Bernish, Community Development Director, said this is not impacting any water lines in the City, so all drinking water is safe.
According to the Oklahoma State Department of Health, blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, are microscopic organisms that can form in warm, slow-moving waters that are rich in nutrients. Blue-green algae can produce toxins that can cause illness in humans and animals.
“We are asking the public to avoid the water at Shannon Springs Park right now – no fishing, don’t let your pets drink out of it, and don’t swim or play in the water,” Bernish said. “Blue-green algae can be toxic to fish, birds, pets and children.”
Chickasha’s water does not come from Shannon Springs, so the water coming out of your faucets is safe and unaffected.
“Our City’s water source is Ft. Cobb State Park, and before water ever reaches your house, it’s treated at our Water Treatment Facility,” Bernish said. “The presence of blue-green in Shannon Springs does not impact our City’s water.”
To help clear the blue-green algae, City staff is actively flushing the water out of Shannon Springs. This does involve flushing hydrants in the area to help move water, which may impact water pressure until 6 p.m.
“Clearing the blue green algae has been an all hands on deck job,” said Mayor Chris Mosley, who is also serving as Interim City Manager. “Crews from our Fire, Public Works, Parks & Recreation, Community Development and Police departments have all been on-site working diligently today. We would also like to thank Grady County Fire and Grady County Emergency Management for their assistance and for bringing in a tanker to help flush Shannon Springs.”