The 15th annual Craig Meyer Memorial Walk for Special Olympics will be held July 31 starting at 10:00 a.m. The walk is being held at the Chickasha High school football field.
Stewart and Beth Ann Meyer along with other family and friends will be doing the annual Craig Meyer Memorial Walk for Special Olympics Oklahoma
This walk is in memory of their son, Craig. Special Olympics was very dear to his heart. He started volunteering with his dad when he was in 3rd grade. He helped with many other fundraisers including the walk to Stillwater. This year instead of walking to Stillwater, participants will walk the 120 miles on their own.
All proceeds of the Craig Meyer Walk go to the Chickasha Special Olympics Team and Special Olympics Oklahoma.
Registration is $25 which includes a t-shirt. Those participating should register as soon as possible as there will be no extra shirts available.’
You can register by;
Sending money through Facebook messenger.
2. Mail a check made to Special Olympics Oklahoma to Beth Ann Meyer. 1087 County Road 1383 Chickasha, OK. 73018
3..Call or text 405 226 2507 for more information.
Tim Brauer and First Look Music will be preforming during the walk at the football field..
All participants miles will be added up for a goal of 125 miles. This will count as a “Virtual Walk to Stillwater”
Special Olympics is schedule to be back next year and an actual Walk to Stillwater. 2022.