CHICKASHA — More than 250 awards were earned by local 4-H’ers at the annual Grady County 4-H Achievement Banquet Monday, Sept. 30, at the Grady County Fairgrounds. Below are some of the highlights of the evening.
The Fair Exhibitor Achievement Award recognizes 4-H members for the largest number and quality of entries in the Grady County Fair. With 28 entries the Jr. Division Fair Exhibitor of Excellence is Coralei Nelson, with 40 entries the Intermediate Exhibitor of Excellence is Kara Pettijohn, and the Sr. Exhibitor of Excellence is Ellen Williamson.
Project Excellence awards are for members who show outstanding achievement in one or more project areas. Members must have completed a minimum of 5 activities in the project area, 3 leadership and 3 civic engagement activities as well as gaining 2 new skills in the project. The Excellence Award winners include:
Jr. Outdoor Life – Jace Payne
Sr. Outdoor Life – Curtis McDermott
Jr. Leadership & Jr. Public Speaking – Marissa McDermott
Sr. Leadership – Mesa Payne
Jr. Breads & Jr. Health & Fitness – Olivia Evans
Sr. Food Science & Sr. Science & Technology – Maggie Evans
Jr. Agriculture – Eastn Witt
Sr. Agriculture – Logan Elliott
Sr. Shooting Sports – Charramaiyne Brown
Sr. Horse – Rustin Elliott
Jr. Fabric & Fashion – Kayslee Elliott
Sr. Achievement – Abby Pettijohn
Sr. Public Speaking – Georgia Nelson
The most coveted award of the evening is the Grady County 4-H Hall of Fame. The members portraits hang in the Grady County Extension Office for 2 years and they receive a monetary award when they graduate from high school. The 2024 Hall of Fame inductees are Abby Pettijohn from Alex 4-H and Shane Williamson from the Rock Island 4-H Club. Based upon Citizenship and Community Service reported in their record books members can earn the Justice Civic Engagement Award. Sponsored by former Extension Educator, Senator Ron Justice the award winners were: Jr. – Eastn Witt and Sr. Shelby Kelsey.
The Worden Achievement Award honors an outstanding Sr. 4-H member for their overall project work, civic engagement and leadership as reported in their State 4-H Record Book. This award honors the memory of Jeanette Worden and her son Joe Worden. The Worden Achievement Award went to Maggie Evans.
State Representatives Dick Lowe and Brad Boles sponsor the “I Dare You” Awards for Sr. 4-H members still growing in the 4-H project work and influence them to achieve their highest potential and influence them to live a life of service to others. The “I Dare You” winners were:
Molly Williamson, Katie Jones, Jonas Lee and Kara Pettijohn.
The Jr. and Sr. Record Book awards are given to members who submitted the most outstanding record book for their age. The Reserve Champion Jr Record belongs to Eastn Witt, the Sr. is Mesa Payne. The Champion Jr. Record Book belongs to Olivia Evans and Sr. Champion was Shelby Kelsey.
Officers from local clubs were also recognized for their outstanding work in completing their duties as an officer. The outstanding local club reporter was Molly Williamson from Rock Island 4-H, the outstanding Secretary was Bailey Ford from Alex 4-H, the outstanding President was Mesa Payne from Horse Club and the outstanding overall club in Grady County was Rock Island 4-H led by Sherrie Evans. The 4-H Volunteer of the Year was Jacqueline Kelsey from the Am-Po Jr. 4-H Club.
Senior 4-H member can also win leadership-based trips through their project work. Charramaiyne Brown received the Citizenship Washington Focus Trip in June of 2025 and Shane Williamson received the New Mexico Sr. Leadership Retreat in January.
For more information about Grady County 4-H contact the OSU Extension Office at 828 W. Choctaw Ave. in Chickasha or call 405-224-2216.