Wake Up

 A few people out there are telling us to wake up. The country music guys keep becoming stars by writing songs like “I’m Offended” and “Those Rich Guys North of Richmond” that are capturing what the real people think. The John Rich song “I’m Offended” says “I’m offended, you’re offended. Let’s all get offended tonight. – We can sit down right here and scream and yell and cuss and fuss and fight.” Oliver Anthony’s song says: “Lord, it’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to. For people like me and people like you. Wish I could just wake up and it not be true. But it is, oh it is.” “Lord knows they all just wanna have total control.” This guy is proving that our country has the spirit to get past these bad times. He proved it by getting his song out there.
 I think that our readers will agree that it is up to the Republican electorate to decide whether Desantis, Trump, or any of the others in the Republican primary are their candidate – not county prosecutors, no matter what directions are coming from the present Washington cartel officials. Both of those county prosecutors made statements during their campaigns saying they would “Get Trump” if elected, and the last one put up a new fundraising page the day before the 19 indictments were released. It appears that the mugshot photo of Trump snapped by Fulton County might be heard around the world (something like Concord bridge when our country started). It is now all over the place on coffee mugs, T shirts etc. It seems that the injustice of this coordinated political persecution is widely recognized. When Newt Gingrich reports that the White House instructed “Atlanta” to release the indictments on a certain date, I think something doesn’t smell right. It is possible that all these separate “get Trump” efforts are carefully planned – and any confidence in blind justice is being shaken to the limit with Congressional investigations exposing more corruption all the time.
 I’m afraid the political attacks the guys north of Richmond want from the government agencies won’t be slowed down a bit as the seasons change and the next election nears. But as long as guys like Oliver and John keep writing their music, we have a chance to wake up before it’s too late – and they shut the song writers down too.
 Thankfully in our area its not quite as bad, but they could start setting things right in Chickasha. We will have to wait and see if a few Rich Guys there keep on with the attitude that Oliver Anthony wrote about in his song – “they all just wanna have total control.” It would be a good start this Christmas if the holiday Christmas Tree was put back where it belongs – “front and center” at the East end of main street instead of in a hard to see location. The holidays can be much better in that city if a few people will Wake Up and give everyone a break (for a few weeks) from those that don’t care what traditions they destroy as long as their wallets get fatter.

Chickasha Today


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