Grady County Free Fair

August 24-26, 2023

The Official Rules and Regulations of the 108th (1915 – 2023) Grady County Free Fair, August 24 through August 26, 2023, are available at http://www.gradycountyfairgrounds.com/fair.html. This Fair Book outlines the requirements for entries and rules for the dozens of contests and shows.
 The Fair has a jammed packed schedule Including: Special Contests, Cake Show and Auction, Fair Princess Competition, Little Miss Contest, Tractor Driving Contest, Alfalfa Hay Show, Livestock Shows, Horse Show, Poultry Show, Rabbit Show, Dairy Show, Sheep Show, Swine Show, Beef Fitting Contest, Beef Show, Mini Hereford Show, Bucket Calf Show, Goat Show.
  4-H Youth Exhibits, Poster Art Exhibit, Educational Booth Display, Photography, Expressive Arts, Technology Exhibits, Science Discovery Projects, Design and Construct, Babysitting/Child Care, Food Science & Nutrition, Personal Development, Postmarks, Electric Exhibits, Rocketry, Wood Science & Industrial Art, Shooting Sports, Entomology, Forestry, Geology, Wildlife, Environmental Stewardship.
  Crops, Forage for Livestock & Wildlife, Home Gardening, Home Grounds, Horticulture, Companion Animals, Cloverbuds, FFA Exhibits, Youth Farm Mechanics, Open Class Exhibits Open Class Farm Mechanics, Agronomy, Home Gardening, Art, Clothing, Photography, Food Preservation, Food Preparation, Best in Wheat, 8 & Under, 9-14., Flower Show, OHCE Group Exhibits Food Preservation, Clothing, Home Management, and Educational. New this year will be a mullet contest and a cornhole tournament.
 In addition to the shows and contests many local businesses and organizations will have booths to showcase their work. Food will be available at various venues on the fairgrounds.

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