by Bruce Trammell, Ninnekah FFA President
The Ninnekah Ag Booster Club has postponed their annual Calf Fry and Cake auction to Tuesday, February 23rd at 6:30 pm at the Ninnekah Public Schools Cafeteria.
All proceeds go back to the Booster Club for the youth livestock exhibitors involved in Ninnekah 4-H and Ninnekah FFA.
Chapter FFA Officers have been working hard on planning and organizing our schools’ National FFA Week Program which will take place Feb. 20 – 27.
The Ninnekah Local Livestock show will be on Saturday the 27th where all Ninnekah 4-H and FFA members who exhibit livestock will be showing against others from Ninnekah.
After our Local Show is complete, all livestock exhibitors will then start getting ready for the Grady County Livestock Show which takes place Feb. 27 – March. 4th.
Weekly Ag Fact: Oklahoma beef cattle, hogs and sheep produce 3.22 billion pounds of meat per year.
The Ninnekah FFA chapter hopes everyone is getting through these cold days alright! Be sure your animals have shelter from the cold and water during the extreme temperatures.