Nashville, Tenn. – Dave Ramsey’s company, Ramsey Solutions, took on the debt of 8,000 people across the country – a total of $10 million – and completely forgave it.
As America’s trusted voice on money, Dave Ramsey is known for his hard stance against debt. From the beginning, he’s run Ramsey Solutions completely debt-free. But in an act of generosity, his company purchased $10 million of unpaid medical and car debt from two private debt collection companies, in order to forgive it.
Beginning Nov. 9, Dave and his 950 team members made phone calls to let the recipients know their debt had been forgiven. Recipients will also be notified by a letter in the mail within the next five weeks.
“This year has been one of the worst financially for so many Americans. Thirty years ago, my wife, Sharon, and I were on the heels of a financial catastrophe ourselves. We know firsthand the pain of having creditors calling at all hours of the night and wondering how we were going to keep the lights on,” said Dave Ramsey, CEO of Ramsey Solutions. “But we said never again to living with debt. We worked our way out of bankruptcy, turned our finances around, and now we can have the most fun with money that we ever have – giving.”
Millions have used Ramsey Solutions’ Seven Baby Steps to get out of debt, build wealth and give. By living out the principles they teach, the company is now able to give generously, even in times of economic uncertainty.
To learn more about Ramsey Solutions’ $10 million debt payoff, visit