by Pastor Lynn Walker
Cowboy Country Church
4092 Norge Road
By the time you see this, it will be only be four days until Easter Sunday, 2021.
I am very excited for Easter services this year, and I know it may not be the biggest Easter service we’ve ever seen, but I’m confident it is going to be better than the Easter service we all had last year in 2020, which was close to being non existent.
I am thankful that many people have come to realize that all things are possible for those that believe and trust God. I am thankful that faith is growing strong once again and overcoming the worry and fear that gripped our churches and our nation in the year 2020.
We must all be like the Apostle Paul and fight the good fight of faith. If we, the people of God, will stand fast in our faith, stay in His Word, pray, and resist the devil, we can fight our way back to be the Godly nation that God intended for us to be.
I am hoping for a great Easter Celebration this coming Easter Sunday. I’m hoping for those still cowering in fear and worry will rediscover the joy of the Lord is their strength. I’m hoping for an Easter celebration with boldness and rejoicing; a celebration of praise and worshipping our risen savior, Jesus Christ.
We must get back to being the head not the tail; Real Christians are not designed to go under; we are designed to be going over! So lets get prepared for a great Easter Sunday Service like the days of old. Lets walk in faith and please
God. Get up and go to your church this Easter Sunday morning, invite all of your friends, (both of them). I encourage you not to doubt, worry, or fear; I encourage you to have good courage; And most of all, I encourage you walk in to your church with faith ….. you can’t please God without it!!!
Blessings in His Love, Word, and Power.