Pastors Porch


by Pastor Lynn Walker – Cowboy Country Church
4092 Norge Road – 405-320-0055

Well, Christmas is just around the corner and I for one am not going to worry about what is going to happen next.  I refuse to allow politics, the economy, health issues, the cares of this world, Satan, or anything or anybody else to steal my joy.  I hope all of you will join me in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.  His birth represents the greatest gift ever given to all of humanity!!

      It’s time to recognize Jesus for what He is; the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.  He is the one and only Savior for all of mankind and Jesus is the only one that is worthy of ALL of our love for He loved us when we were all yet sinners!!  When the whole world is ready to fall apart at the seams, Jesus is the one that never fails us, never lies to us, never leaves us, never stops loving us.  What or who else can be trusted in this fallen world but Jesus?

       So what’s next?  How are we going to continue to survive the craziness of this planet??  I don’t know about you, but I’m going to put my trust in Jesus.  He will answer prayer, He will meet our needs, by His stripes we are healed, He will protect us, and He will stay closer to us than a brother.  Only Jesus knows what’s next and He’s the only one who can do anything about it, So why should you and I worry about what’s next.  Let’s get serious about being joyful with our family and friends.  Let’s celebrate and worship and be thankful for the birth of the Savior of the World.  All of heaven and earth should be singing for JOY and stop thinking about what’s next.  


Pastor Lynn