I am writing this the day after Thanksgiving Day, and I hope your giving thanks yesterday will spill over to this day and the day after, and continue every day from now on!! Being thankful is a wonderful thing for all of mankind to be involved in every day of our life. It does not matter how good or bad our circumstances are; we can all find something to be thankful about. It is such a shame that so many people have it so good but yet seem to always find something to complain about. And then there are some folks who have it so bad or have so little but yet always seem to find something to be thankful about. I guess some people are just so greedy that they are never satisfied or happy no matter how much they have.
It would be a lot easier to be thankful if we would stop seeking all the things this world has to offer and start seeking the Kingdom of God. Jesus said we should seek the Kingdom of God and all these other things would be added unto us. We would also be much happier if we would just realize that many of the worldly things we seek are only temporary and unnecessary anyway. Sometimes being blessed with so many “things” becomes a burden trying to take care of them and worry about them being stolen. Maybe we just need to remember that all the treasures we lay up in heaven are eternal and things we have of the world are temporary.
I think that trusting the Lord, doing good, and being thankful every day would make us and those around us much happier. Plus it would make God smile. Hope all of you will continue to be thankful.
In His Word, Love, and Power, Pastor Lynn