One of the many highlights of the Grady County Fair each year is the Annual Fair Princess contest and crowning. This will be the 31st edition of the contest. The Fair Princess duties will consist of presenting ribbons and awards at this year’s fair, making appearances at other fair events such as the dinner or lunch at Christmas and appearing in the Chickasha Christmas Parade.
The contest to select the princess will be held Monday, August 23rd at the fairgrounds facility.
The contest consist of talent, evening gown and interview sections. Winners selected in each section will win monetary awards and possibly other gifts and prizes.
Those eligible to enter include any girl who lives in Grady County or is enrolled in a Grady County school or homeschool and is a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior status.
An orientation meeting for all contestants will be held on Tuesday, August 10th at 2:00pm at the Grady County Fairgrounds. This is a mandatory meeting and all contestants must attend this meeting and entry must be submitted before or at that time. No late entries will be accepted. Entry forms are available on the Grady County Fairgrounds website at, at the Grady County Fairgrounds, 500 E. Choctaw or by contacting Heather Meeks at 405-420-6308 or the Grady County Fairgrounds at 405-224-2031.
Heather Meeks is the contest director.
● The contest is open to all high school Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior girls that are enrolled in or attend classes on a full-time basis at an accredited public, private or homeschooling program.
● A contestant may compete in the County where they live or the County where they attend school, but not both.
● Contestants must be single, never married, nor have been the parent of any natural or adopted child.
● Never have been convicted of a crime, does not have any criminal charges pending against her, and must be of good moral character.
● Be and always been female.
● Be a United States citizen.
● Does not use or consume alcohol or any illegal controlled dangerous substance.
● Agree that all decisions of the judge are final and binding.
● Talent competition should be limited to 2-4 minutes. Talent is subject to review and approval.
● Contestants will be judged on talent, evening gown and interview.
● All contestants should bring (2) 4×6 pictures to the meeting on Wednesday, August 8th. One will be used in newspaper articles and one will be used for the Photogenic Contest. The $35.00 sponsorship is also due at this meeting