Epsilon Sigma Alpha is a Philanthropic Sorority founded in 1929. Two scholarships are awarded each year to students of Oklahoma communities. Now would be the time to apply for the scholarships.
The first scholarships, “Outstanding Youth Award” is open to all high school seniors and middle/junior high students. Application forms and instructions can be obtained from a school counselor. Contact information is included on the application forms or you may email s-mcguire@att.net to obtain applications.
Deadline for applications is February 12th, 2021.
A second line of scholarships are open to anyone wishing to further their education (i.e. trade schools). This scholarship is through the Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation. You must apply on line but there are no limits on the number you can apply for.
The application forms and instructions can be found at www.epsilonsigmaalpha.org. Click on the tab that says grants/scholarships and scroll down to Oklahoma.
You may email lleveridge@att.net with any questions as many of these scholarships are not awarded each year for lack of applicants.
Deadline for Foundation Scholarship/grants is January 30, 2021.